Monday, June 7, 2010

pH LEVEL IN SWIMMING POOL-How to make it under your control

Before reading this, may I recommend you to read first, FILTERS AND PUMPS OF SWIMMING POOL: Important tools for Pool Maintenance

It is said that having a good swimming pool pH level is essential in making certain that all of the equipment and chemicals which are used in your pool are doing their job accurately. That's why it's so significant to check the levels at least every week. Even in the off-season you will need to keep an eye on it, since as an open water system, you will have nasty algae growth, fungus, bacteria and the like.

It's not unusual for your pool pH level to move up or fall depending on a number of conditions. What is essential is to know exactly what steps to take in order to get it back into best possible range depending on if it is too high or too low.

Swimming pool pH is a measurement of acid to alkaline ratio. At 7.0, your pool water is completely neutral, above that number and it becomes alkaline, while below it means your pool is too acidic. The most desirable range we'd like to keep our pool pH level at is between 7.2 and 7.6. It's in this range that our equipment and chemicals can function to the most excellent of their ability.

If pH is too high, what to do:

In general, pH will have a trend to increase. This is because of human waste such as sweat. Therefore, in this instance we will need to take a few simple steps to get it back to standard.

Firstly, you will need to pay for an acid designed to be used in swimming pools. The most general forms of these acids are dry acid and muriatic acid.

Next, we will start by making sure our pool pump is on. Then at the deep end of the water we will start slowly adding in whichever form of acid you decided to go with. Be sure to pay attention to the label as it will give you instructions on how much acid per treatment depending on the size of your pool, and how much water there is.

This will be a continuing process. Adding acid bits at a time, and leaving the pool for some time, then rechecking your levels. Do again until the pH level is back in best range.

If pH is top low, what to do:

Principally you will be doing the same steps as above, however, instead of using an acid we will be using an alkaline such as soda ash. Again, keep the pool pump on and add bits at a time letting the alkaline flow while still testing the waters until the pH is back in best range.


  1. Controlling the pH level of the pool water is quite tough task but not too hard. It totally depends on filter efficiency. However It performs directly effect on your pool water. Replace filter when it needs. is a great source for the same.
